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Posted: Wed 16:30, 16 Mar 2011 Post subject: 折腾老农的 |
折腾老农的政府会有出息吗?有人说:“己所不欲,勿施于人”。咋一听,GHD Styler Australia,这话似乎合情合理,善良,纯朴,正直!我想,正因如此,Discount Ghd Australia,才会有许多善良,厚道的人们将其视为经典,并以此作为行为处事的人生准则。不过,如果你仔细想想,如果眼界放远一些,你就会发现这话有问题,有大问题。俗话说,不怕不识货,就怕货比货。如果你将其与“己所欲,施于人”对比一下,便会立刻发现问题,前者代表的是各人自扫门前雪的善良和厚道,而后者体现的则是博爱,奉献的品格。这就好比一个是善良老实,却又自私狭隘,没有文化的老农,一个是侠肝义胆,勇于奉献的英雄。二者在精神价值,层次和高度上显然不可同日而语。所以,咱在此要呼吁喜欢逛商店的朋友们:货比三家不上当!本来,对于一个善良老实,自私狭隘,没有文化的老农,正确的态度应该是关心,帮助和引导他,让其学习文化,增长知识。这本是众所周知的常识。可是,这个世界上却有那么一个国家,有那么一个政府,有那么一群人,他们偏偏要违背这个简单的常识,要么凶神恶煞地欺负别人,对人老农大打出手,要么就顶礼膜拜,视为教授,尊为圣贤。你说,这不是折腾别人吗?这样的政府你能明白它在干啥吗?我想,唯一的解释是:这样的政府要么是比老农更愚昧无知,要么就是别有用心,或者,二者兼有,Ghd Hair Styler。
The Court of Appeal pointed out that R and F's submission in the county court was of overt, conscious racism, and it was not prepared to find that there had been unconscious discrimination.The decisionThe Court of Appeal said that, unlike the ordinary civil claim where the judge decides, on the claimant's evidence only, whether the claimant has made out a case, in this case the judge had had the benefit of the whole of the evidence. Despite the school's failure to comply with the statutory requirements, the judge had been entitled to find on the basis of all the evidence that R and F had not proved racial discrimination.
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