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PostPosted: Mon 14:58, 28 Feb 2011    Post subject: On the Makaloa Mat LondonJack Published ccaahasz

o a
secret location UNDERGROUND where
the info was hidden.
“This text is from the director’s online Kryptos forum” Rick explained. “The forum’s
been going for years. There are literally thousands of postings. I’m not surprised one of
them happened to contain all the keywords.”
Nola kept scanning down until she spotted another posting containing keywords.
Even though Mark said the code’s lat/long headings point somewhere in
coordinates he used were off by one degree--Kryptos
basically points back to itself.
Parrish walked over to the statue and ran his palm across the cryptic sea of letters. “A lot
of this code has yet to be decipheredand there are plenty of people who think the
message might actually relate to ancient Masonic secrets.”
Nola now recalled murmurs of a Masonic/Kryptos linkbut she tended to ignore the
lunatic fringe. Then againlooking around at the various pieces of the sculpture arranged
around the plazashe realized that it was a code in pieces—a symbolon—just like the
Masonic Pyramid.
For a momentNola could almost see
Kryptos as a modern Masonic Pyramid—a code in
many piecesmade of different materialseach playing a role. “Do you think there’s any
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