zhajingyu |
Posted: Thu 9:40, 20 Jan 2011 Post subject: saint laurent yves How To Write, Publish And Sell |
That is why I have written it,www.puma Cheap Indoor Tanning Bed Lotions – Save Big On Designer Lotions_808!
What kinds of manuals are now being sold by mail?
Most manuals show the reader ... How to start or expand a hobby;How to develop new abilities or qualities; How to start a newbusiness or expand an old one; How to prepare for a new career;How to make or save money; How to solve personal problems; Howto spend leisure time.
Do not try to be literary!
Good Luck
"10 Wonder Working Prayers. Enrich, Strengthen Your Life. $2.50".
What should you write about?
1. Direct from ads in magazines and tabloid papers.
"Sell Books By Mail. Complete Dealer Set Up $2.00"
If you can produce a "How To" manual that is novel, interestingand genuinely helpful, you can do what the advertisers abovehave done. You can print it yourself and sell it by mail!
Pick up almost any magazine at a news stand that carriesclassified advertising and you will find ads written by peoplewho are selling their manuals by mail.
4. Selling through agents.
"Sell Health Books Mail Order! Write"
Direct mail can be very effective for experienced mail orderoperators, but it is usually far too costly for the beginner.
If you have more than four pages, have it printed on both sidesof the paper. It will lower your printing costs slightly, andsave you extra postage in the future.
I hope the information which follows can be of real benefit toyou.
"Never Won Anything? Anyone can win sweepstakes contests! Freedetails".
For example, if you just love to cook, write a manual on cooking.
Talk to friends and neighbors. Ask questions. Read books,newspapers, and magazines on the subject. Ask your librarian forsuggestions. As you read, keep notes on everything. When youhave read everything you could lay your hands on, sit down andstudy your notes. Read them over slowly and carefully. Then laythe notes aside and think about the whole subject for a day ortwo. You will be amazed at what your mind will do with thesubject if you have researched it thoroughly. How do you writeit?
Write down fifteen questions that such a person might ask you.Then write out, in your own words, the answers to the fifteenquestions.
Take it to a local copy/print shop, who will make you howevermany copies of it, very reasonably, within 24 hours usually.
"Why grow old and die? Li Chung Yun lived 256 years. You couldtoo".
"Overweight? I lost 53 pounds. Easily - Permanently. New Method.Information Free".
"Learn the secret of making every dress you sew fit perfectly.Only $3.00".
"Troubled? God can help! Free information."
"Peterborough Area Job Opportunities $2.00"
"Traffic Tickets? Beat them, step by step method. $1.95".
If you are lucky, you'll sell your manual to about one person inevery twenty-five.
A well written manual is authoritative, factual, and helpful. Itshould be written in simple, easily understood language.
If you write on a subject that really does not interest you verymuch, you will be bored to death by the time you get to yourthird manual.
In the article that follows, I'll show you how you can do thesame. I'll show you how to select a subject, how to research it,how to write it, how to get it printed, and how to sell it.
If you are willing to sell your manual in small wholesalequantities, or if you are willing to drop ship manuals for maildealers, then you might find this the most effective way tomarket your manuals.
* only on subjects that really interest you, and * on subjectsthat you already know something about.
How do you get it printed?
Some of the above ads have been running for over ten years,indicating that this could be a very successful way to marketyour manuals.
How do you sell it?
"Guide to Witches Covens - $12.00"
It can easily cost you over two hundred and fifty dollars foreach one thousand letters you mail.
When you are finished, lay it aside for a day or two. Thenre-read it with a red pencil, crossing out all unnecessary wordsand sentences, inserting a new point here and there.
"Learning Bridge? Send $12.95 for 20 page guide."
How do you research the manual?
"Make money clipping newspapers at home in spare time. Detailsfree."
If you have written a manual showing how to get your inventionspatented, you could purchase a list of amateur inventors,asics shoes sale cheap Sonakshi Sinha Bikini_12756, andmail your sales literature to each individual on the list.
"Free Newsletter! Sell Books by Mail. We wholesale/dropship"
3. Direct Mail.
If economically possible, sell it for $2.00 or $3.00 per copy.Write a brief, eye catching classified ad, asking thoseinterested to send their orders directly to you.
Below are some ads placed by manual writers.
If your manual is about stamp collecting, advertise it in thestamp collecting papers.
"Sell Books by Mail! 400% Profit"
Be sure to run your ad in at least three issues. If you havenever sold manuals by mail, I sincerely suggest you use thismethod.
To give your manual a professional touch, have it printed oncanary yellow,saint laurent yves, pink, or light green paper.
How To Write, Publish And Sell A Manual From Information You
Already Know
Today, there are hundreds of enterprising men and women whowrite simple research papers (known in the self-publishingindustry as MANUALS) and sell them by mail.
If it is about astrology, advertise it in the Astrologymagazines- to do otherwise is fatal.
2. Advertise for Inquiries.
Rewrite the whole thing, and you will be amazed to discover thatyour manual is ready to be published!
Ask yourself - what do I do with my spare time? Write a manualabout that!
Exactly what is a manual?
If your ad is novel, believable, and of genuine interest, youwill be surprised at how many people will do this.
"Ship in Bottle. Instructions. Drawings. $3.00"
Here is a tip from a professional writer.
"Be secure, confident,cheap nike air max 95, successful! Learn the secret of personalpower. $2.00"
Make yourself an expert on the subject!
There are no catches. I have nothing more to sell to you (unlessyou want to read some of the other manuals which I have written).
Type it as neatly as possible onto A4 white typing paper. Singlespace it, leaving two lines between each paragraph.
Sit down and pretend that you are a person who knows absolutelynothing about the subject.
You should write:
"Fluorescent Tubes Rejuvenated at no cost. Instructions $4.00"
If people like the first manual they buy from you,jimmy choo, they will buyother manuals in the future, as long as they are on the samebasic subject.
It can be anything from a brief two-page photocopied report to aprofessionally printed book bound in a hardback cover.
"Secrets of the Spirit World,sennheiser headset! Only $2.00 Post-paid!"
A manual can be called a booklet, a pamphlet, a report, anewsletter, a guide, an instruction manual, a plan, amanuscript, etc.
I'll show you the four ways to sell it.
If your manual is quite elaborate, and must be sold for $5.00 ormore, use this method. Write a brief, tempting ad describingyour manual, and offer free details. Then mail literaturedescribing the manual to those who answer the ads. Don't expectmore than one enquiry in ten to buy it from you.
A manual is simply an easy-to-understand report which shows thereader "How To" do something that he does not already know.
Here are sample ads from magazines lying on the desk.
People who purchase manuals by mail are interested in theinformation they contain. Seldom do they care what brand ofpaper the information is printed on.
"Home Made Cheese. Hard, soft and cottage. Make it yourself!Complete instructions,asics running shoes, recipes, $2.00"
If you are new to manual selling, I'll show you which of thefour ways is the best for you. That said,tods ladies shoes, I hope you will readwhat follows very carefully and very thoroughly.
Here are recent ads placed by manual writers who use this method: |